Notes from Coord Meeting: Monday 5th September
OKF Coord meeting 1pm UTC Monday 5th September.
## Participants
* Lucy Chambers
* Daniel Dietrich
* Mark MacGillivray
* Kat Braybrooke
* Primavera De Filippi
* Hauke Gierow
* Rufus Pollock
## Apologies
* Jonathan Gray
* Friedrich Lindenberg
## Agenda
* Updates
* Questions to address
* question frm kat re: okfn website redesign (feedback for nick? staff thoughts so far are at bottom of this [doc](
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Primavera](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Mark MacGillivray](
* [Rufus Pollock](
## Questions
-> Add your questions here:
* WDMMG – expired.
* CFP emails – where to send
* Dates to travel to Warsaw
* Twitter Mexican Wave 🙂
## AOB
## Notes
## Actions
* JK – send job announcements to OKFN-anounce
* LC & JG to identify country-specific multipliers.
* Lucy to add openbiblio-dev standups to calendar – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 1630 UK time
* LC & RGRP to lead on website information content / manual
* Add – Maurizio from 2:30